Now ladys and gentle men, man? mon? Whatever here I have the possibly most disturbing video of the internet video EVAAAAAAA!!!! Well its not a creepypasta, its just plain disturbing. Now I wont even put the link to the video because im so SCARED to do it, its on youtube anyways.
I dont remember much of the video really but what I can remember is that this video was uploaded in youtube in 2008, I was seeing a guy called


, this guy its a latin american guy that talks about horror shit and there was this video, when it was showing me what was about this video and then in the desc, it had the link so I was like WHY NOT. So I put the fucking link, but now it gets scary the story.
Well when I put the video it actually started normal like I mean normal, it just showed a StarFox 1 boss face with a bitsy, bitsy spider in music background but then it happend. A sick girl showed up, I was feeling weard, shes sickness looked like it was that she didnt had muscles or something I felt so weird and then she started dansing it looked like she was being tortured or something, now I was a bit scared of.
I tried to put the video again but this time, I did not got scared really but when I was in the middle of the video, I showed it to my dad when I saw my dad see it, I of the no where I released that this was a sick person, now I really got creeped off, I was really scared about it, so I asked my 26 y/o sister that WTF happend and she awnsered me "Oh no" I was a bit confused, but I released something, "So you saw that video right" says my sister before I could say something, I was all like ''COMING SOON"